Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Nama    : Amelia Syafrina
KLS      : 3 EB20
NPM     : 20210609
                                                      My Opinion about...
          in my opinion about Adolescence is the most beautiful and the most convenient time to make destruction. It is nice to do, but regret always comes late with a very deep disappointment. Dating one of them. but now in an age of primary school children were now dating. and this is very worrying. I think that fitted to dating age is 17 years. Because at that age where we've grown up. who can judge what is good and a bad man.

             In adolescence the role of parents is very important to doing a good control for a teens age who have not a enough but have started doing a date. They are need a direction from their parents. Because parents give you a direction control, as well as their kids about what should and should not to doing in when dating. After that moral spiritual cutivation is also one of the important things to protect the kid to do not doing something wrong in their friendlines.

           To resolve the issue make sure your relationship healthy and stay away from negative behavior that can destroy yourself and the relationship.But if our partner doing somethings wrong, immediatelly disscus with our parents and our friends that, although soon to found a good solution.